

Time & Date

This event is in person only. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Event Location

WBUR CitySpace890 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215Open in Google Maps

This event is sold out. No tickets will be sold at the door. 

WBUR is proud to be a media partner of The Moth, an acclaimed non-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. The Moth StorySLAM is an open-mic storytelling competition, open to anyone with a five-minute story to share on the night’s theme. Come tell a story...or just enjoy the show!

The theme of this StorySLAM is "HAPPY." Prepare a five-minute story about smiles and sunshine. Think unbridled joy—landing the dream job, winning the talent show, or bowling a perfect game. The quest for your soul mate or for the perfect cup of coffee. The Midas touch. The good old days. Tales of finding happiness or letting it slip through your fingers.

WBUR Sustainer and Member discounts are not applicable to The Moth events. Registrants may be contacted by CitySpace about this or future events.

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