
Our Week In The Web: November 21, 2014

People who think about these sorts of things often note how different digital platforms provide different use cases for different users — Twitter is younger, more mobile-focused and more diverse than the population at large, Facebook skews older, comment sections are anonymous, etc — and we're starting to wonder about the different use cases available in our digital outfits. Certainly, some of the trends hew true for us across Twitter, Facebook and Disqus. Our Tumblr, which is a newer concern, is still a work in progress. Is there a better way to engage with users on the platforms they prefer without losing other folks on mirroring sites? Can we invest heavily in areas that work while slowly letting go of those places that fail? It's something we think about a great deal, and something we're continuing to refine as we work on designing our main website and changing the way we promote and present our programs online. We're always looking to hear from you, wherever you feel like talking. Let us know!

The Most Listened-To Shows Online (November 14, 2014 — November 21, 2014 )

1. Week In the News: Obama in Asia, Net Neutrality, Lame Duck Congress in Action (November 14, 2014)

2. The Economics of Keystone XL (November 17, 2014)

3. Winter is (Still) Coming (November 14, 2014)

4. An American General Explains How We Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan (November 13, 2014)

5. Executive Action and Immigration Reform (November 18, 2014)

Our Favorite Guest Quotes From This Week

"People like to go to the sideshow to feel more normal." — Jessica Miller

"I think calling it drugs wouldn't be Rastafarian...weed is just weed." — Marlon James

"I'm sometimes asked if I'm driven by guilt for my ancestors, but I prefer to look toward the future." — Emmanuel de Merode

"When trouble starts, it tends to lead to stories." — Mike Nichols

"Laura Ingalls Wilder speaks directly to the hearts of her readers." —  Pamela Smith Hill

Our Favorite Comments (Facebook, Twitter and Disqus) From This Week

"Recycling of nostalgia in LITTLE HOUSE does not bode well for truths that we must accept abt US history." (@debreese)

"I feel like it isn't always so much about seeing the "other", but feeling other ourselves, and seeing a Jungian archetype of that to complete our world view... Wonderful show!" (Julia Gandrud)

"I heard the show this morning. So I missed my calling. Twice." (Marcus Brock)

"Thanks for the RT! Us bonnetheads and Laurati are really excited about this." (@heroinebook)

Our Favorite Bit Of Internet This Week

This peculiar piece of online user engagement involving rudimentary drawings of common sheep. [Twitter / @mkramer]


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