Picture of Mary Ann Nichols

Mary Ann Nichols

Announcer & Copy Editor, Underwriting

Mary Ann Nichols is WBUR's first and longest-serving announcer and copy editor for Business Partnerships. She voices hundreds of local and national sponsorship messages weekly, aired on WBUR and other public radio stations around the country.

Mary Ann first joined WBUR as a part-time news anchor in 1997, following a 15-year career as a classical music host / programmer in Boston and Washington, DC. When WBUR decided to separate the news voices from the business messages in 2003, Mary Ann was tapped to take on this new role - and she's been there ever since!

The arts are very close to her heart. She was trained in music and dramatic arts - and still works as a freelance actor, director and voiceover artist. She's recorded numerous books for the blind and disabled, available through the Library of Congress. And for more than twenty years, Mary Ann loved being the pre-concert speaker for the Boston Classical Orchestra at Faneuil Hall, enlightening audiences about the composers and their music in a light-hearted way.

Most recently, at the start of the Covid pandemic in 2020, Mary Ann co-founded a national online theatre group, PlayZoomers, Inc. (www.playzoomers.org).

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