
Show rundown for 10/27/2004

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Taking the War on the Campaign Trail

Missing munitions in Iraq; a deadly weekend for Iraqi trainees who were unarmed and unprotected: We look at the war with less than a week to go before the election and how the issue is or isn't being addressed on the campaign trail.

How the Undecided Decide

Two undecided voters reveal which way they're leaning. They talk about the economy, missing weapons in Iraq and the personalities of the candidates, and why they still can't make up their minds.

Swing States

We continue our look at the battleground states, where both candidates are putting in all their time in the final days of the campaign.

Environment and Kerry's Record

Part II of our series on the candidates and their programs for the environment.

Red Sox, Strong on Momentum, Fans Hopeful

Used to high hopes and new lows, Sox fans are on pins and needles.

This program aired on October 27, 2004.

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Robin Young Co-Host, Here & Now
Robin Young brings more than 25 years of broadcast experience to her role as host of Here & Now.



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