
Bass Madness

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There are 23,000 species of fish on the planet, maybe more. And the family Americans love to fish on freshwater more than any other is the bass — large-mouth bass, small-mouthed bass.

The bass is game. It hits the lure with power. Goes aerial on the hook. Lunges explosively for cover. The bass is a fighter. "Inch for inch, pound for pound, the gamest fish that swims," wrote the inventor of the rod and casting reel in 1881. And it still true, even this late in the season, when the big ones lunge in the South.

But bass fishing has changed. Gone pro. Gone razzle-dazzle. Gone NASCAR, with big money and TV mania.

This hour On Point: the exploding culture and lore of bass madness with world-record fisherman, Ken Shultz.


Ken Schultz, author of "Bass Madness: Bigmouths, Big Money and Big Dreams at the Bass Master Classic," and former holder of seven world fishing records.

This program aired on November 16, 2006.


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