
For The Navajo Nation, Fry Bread Is A Source Of Pride — And Poor Nutrition

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Fry bread isn't just a metaphor for an old problem. It remains a problem today. It still serves as a staple in Navajo homes. (Courtesy of A. Lester)
Fry bread isn't just a metaphor for an old problem. It remains a problem today. It still serves as a staple in Navajo homes. (Courtesy of A. Lester)

Fry bread is greasy fried dough, and it's a Navajo staple and a source of pride. But it's also a source of poor nutrition on a reservation labeled a food desert by the U.S. government.

Now there's a push to cut back on foods like fry bread in the Navajo diet. Laurel Morales (@laurelgwyn) from Here & Now contributor KJZZ's Fronteras Desk reports.

This segment aired on July 20, 2017.



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