
Wind-Powered 'Strandbeests' Wend Their Way To Massachusetts

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Wind-powered mechanical creatures called Strandbeests ("beach animals") have landed in the United States for a visit. Designed by Dutch artist Theo Janson, the Strandbeest is made of PVC pipes and material sails. Wind propels their sails to make their multiple feet walk sideways.

The Strandbeests will make their first major U.S. stop at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, and then head to Chicago and San Francisco. But first they had a few pop-up appearances, including one at Crane Beach in Ipswich, Massachusetts. George Hicks of Here & Now contributor WBUR paid a visit.


  • George Hicks, producer and technical director for special projects at WBUR in Boston.

This segment aired on August 31, 2015.


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