
Lawrence Mourns Soldier

Flags in Lawrence will fly at half staff today, after Army officials told Jimenez's father that his son's remains had been recovered.

Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan says he has been in regular contact with Jimenez's father since Jimenez went missing. Sullivan says he plans to visit the family today and offer condolences.

SULLIVAN: we more his loss. We were praying each day like he was that Alex would come home and that we'd be with him. But that just isn't the case, and we thank him for allowing us to be free.

Officials say further autopsies will be conducted on the body. Then, one family friend says Jimenez's funeral will likely be held in a few days in New York where Jimenez's mother lives.

This program aired on July 11, 2008. The audio for this program is not available.


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