
EPA Sued Over High Cape Cod Nitrogen Levels

Two environmental groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency, alleging it did not enforce the Clean Water Act on Cape Cod.

Conservation Law Foundation lawyer Christopher Kilian says high nitrogen levels are putting marine life and recreation at risk.

"The key is not talking about it or worrying about and fretting about the cost endlessly, but rather figuring out programs that can be implemented in order to take nitrogen out of the water," Kilian said.

Kilian says the EPA has not been fulfilling its obligation to regulate wastewater running into Cape Cod bays and estuaries.

The EPA declined to comment on the lawsuit but says it is committed to doing its part to reduce nitrogen. It also says stopping run-off is a difficult job that requires co-operation from various state, local and federal agencies.

This program aired on August 26, 2010. The audio for this program is not available.


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