
Town-by-town results: New Hampshire primary results

Voters in New Hampshire finally had their say Tuesday, voting in the first primary of the 2024 presidential election season.

Former President Trump defeated former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, the two major Republican candidates still campaigning for the nation's top job. Trump trounced his party opponents during last week's Iowa Caucus. Haley, who finished third on the heels of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, hopes the strength of her finish gives her campaign momentum. On Sunday, DeSantis bowed out of the race.

Over on the Democratic ballot, President Biden won with a write-in campaign. Biden chose not to officially enter into the primary after the Democratic National Committee decided South Carolina should be the first primary on the calendar, a decision that did not sit well with party leaders in the Granite State. U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips and businesswoman Marianne Williamson were also on the ballot and hoped earn some headlines with their performance Tuesday night.

You can see where each candidate garnered voter support with the charts and maps below.



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