
Saturday, June 28, 2008

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Tomorrow’s Euro 2008 final is set to go between Germany and Spain. Will Germany’s loss earlier in the tournament come back to haunt them? Or will Spain fall short of the goal, something that has happened to them in the past? Sports Illustrated’s Grant Wahl discusses it all with Bill Littlefield.

As Beijing makes final preparations for the Olympic Games which are just a little more than a month away, the question remains, just how will all the tourists make their way around Beijing? Last summer, Beijing Olympic officials stated that 90,000 taxi drivers were practicing English to prepare for the influx of foreigners. Only A Game’s Anne Donohue reports from Beijing to see if the officials and the cabbies are living up to their word.

5 Duquesne University players were shot after leaving a party almost 2 years ago. They all recovered, but their NBA career dreams ended that night. At least that’s the argument the player’s lawyer, Teresa Toriseva, is making in her case against the school. The students are suing the school for lack of security. Dave Mackell of the Pittsburg Tribune Review is covering the case and talks with Bill about the details.

Along with the growing popularity of women’s sports is also the growing number of injuries sustained by female athletes. Michael Sokolove’s new book Warrior Girls takes an in depth look at injuries girls and women endure in sports today and reasons for this rising trend. Michael joins Bill to discuss ways to avoid these types of injuries for future generations.
Bill and Only A Game analyst Charlie Pierce discuss: Houston Astro’s pitcher Shawn Chacon’s behavior, the U.S. Men’s Basketball team and mass marriages during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

Could racing through the woods collecting as many native species as you can in 24 hours be the next Olympic sport? Probably not, but to those who participated in the 9th annual BioBlitz in Rhode Island, this event was just as important as any sport in the Olympics. Only A Game’s Karen Given watches the bioblitzers dig, trap, pick and net their way to finding the most species in this unique event.

This program aired on June 28, 2008.


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