
What Might A Supervised Drug Injection Site Look Like In Boston?

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Insite is a supervised injection site in Vancouver. (Courtesy Vancouver Coastal Health)
Insite is a supervised injection site in Vancouver. (Courtesy Vancouver Coastal Health)

Supervised drug injection sites may be closer to becoming a reality in Massachusetts.

Such sites are illegal in the United States but not in Canada. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh visited several supervised-injection sites in Canada last week and said he's now open to reconsidering.

Cambridge Mayor Marc McGovern joined Mayor Walsh on the trip and said he supports these sites coming to Cambridge.

"If we're really going to address our substance abuse crisis you have to fight this on multiple fronts. You can't get someone into treatment if they die on the street. And one thing you have to remember is no one has died in a safe injection site. That is extremely important," McGovern said.

Meanwhile, other cities around the country--including San Francisco and Philadelphia--are in the process of bringing supervised injection sites to their cities.


Abraham Gutman, opinion writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He tweets @abgutman.

Heather Knight, a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. She tweets @hknightsf.

This article was originally published on January 24, 2019.

This segment aired on January 24, 2019.

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Deborah Becker Host/Reporter
Deborah Becker is a senior correspondent and host at WBUR. Her reporting focuses on mental health, criminal justice and education.


Headshot of Eve Zuckoff

Eve Zuckoff Freelance Producer, Radio Boston
Eve Zuckoff was a freelance producer for Radio Boston.



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