
'Watergate: The Video Game' Puts Player In Woodward's Shoes

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If you find yourself waxing nostalgic for the kind of 1970s investigative journalism that led to the Watergate hearings, you can now relive all the chills and thrills of the Washington Post investigation by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

The recently released "Watergate: The Video Game" is free to play online, and not entirely journalistically accurate.

Timothy Leary shows up with drugs and you get in a fistfight with Nixon. Things get pretty weird at the end, and we don't recommend it for young gamers.

Samuel Kim, the programmer behind the game, told Here & Now that the game's over-the-top end is a nod to how the story of Watergate is told.

"All the video-gamey violence that happens at the end of it is a spoof of the way the Watergate mythology is usually told, which is they uncover the story and then the next Thursday the Nixon administration falls. There's more to the story than that."


  • Samuel Kim, comedian, writer and creator of Watergate: The Video Game.

This segment aired on May 20, 2013.


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