
September 10, 2018: Hour 2

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The classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "Oklahoma!" pulls out all the stops: romantic ballads, all-cast dance sequences, a villain and two classic romances. But in an adaptation of the show being performed at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, there's a twist. Also, CBS chief executive Les Moonves resigned Monday amid allegations of sexual misconduct. Jill Schlesinger of CBS News takes a look at the company's next steps. And the collapse of Lehman Brothers a decade ago marked the beginning of a financial crisis that destroyed millions of Americans' lives. We catch up with one couple in Phoenix, Arizona, who struggled to avoid foreclosure. That and more, in hour two of Here & Now's Sept. 10, 2018 full broadcast. You can read and hear more at, follow us on Twitter and join the conversation on Facebook.

This program aired on September 10, 2018.


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