
Lyle Lovett

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Grammy-winning Texas singer-songwriter Lyle Lovett on his latest album and the Lyle Lovett way.

Singer Lyle Lovett's new album is "Release Me."  (AP)
Singer Lyle Lovett's new album is "Release Me." (AP)

Nobody sings quite like Lyle Lovett.

You hear him.  You think Texas.  You think country.  And then you hear a whole lot more.  Big band.  Folk.  Swing.  Blues.  Jazz.  Pop.  Gospel.

His songs are literate and subtle.  Layered and sneaky.  Infectious.

He’s one of a kind.  Lanky and craggy, with that crazy head of hair.  And still rooted on the family spread in Texas.

This hour, On Point:  we’re talking life and song and horses and home with Lyle Lovett.
-Tom Ashbrook


Lyle Lovett, a singer-songwriter and actor, his new album is Release Me.

From Tom's Reading List

Country Weekly "If Lyle’s disinclination toward mainstream country-star status wasn’t evident from his urbane, tailored suits and tousled, upside-down-cake hairdo, his 25-year recorded output clearly shows that the Texas-bred stylist can’t be lassoed into a single category. "

Aspen Times "Break-ups have made for great albums; Dylan's “Blood on the Tracks” is at the top of the pile. “Release Me” is Lyle Lovett's break-up album, but of a different sort — he's parting ways with Curb Records, the only label he's ever known. So what does the ever-sly Lovett have to say about the relationship and its conclusion? The cover photo might say more than any song; it's an image of Lovett bound tightly in ropes — a suggestion that Curb has restrained Lovett too much to carry the union forward? "

The New Yorker "Klein, Texas, is halfway between Tomball and Spring, on the coastal plain north of Houston. The land is flat. The roads run straight along the old property lines and meet at right angles, like joints in furniture. Where there are fields with cattle or horses, the trees in the distance appear as remote and aloof as a coastline."

Video: White Freightliner Blues

Here's Lyle Lovett preforming White Freightliner Blues on the Late Show with David Letterman.


Keep It Clean
Release Me
The Girl with the Holiday Smile
Isn’t That So
Garfield’s Blackberry Blossom
Baby It’s Cold
Night’s Lullaby
Brown-eyed Handsome Man
One Way Gal
Understand You
White Boy Lost in the Blues
If I Had a Boat (Live in-studio performance)
Keep Us Steadfast

This program aired on April 5, 2012.


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