
Democratic Party Looks Further Afield

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The Democrats and their 2016 options. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, maybe Joe Biden. Who do Democrats want?

Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a memorial service Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015, in Chattanooga, Tenn. The service is for four Marines and a sailor killed as a result of attacks on a military recruiting station and a Naval operations center July 16 in Chattanooga. (AP)
Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a memorial service Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015, in Chattanooga, Tenn. The service is for four Marines and a sailor killed as a result of attacks on a military recruiting station and a Naval operations center July 16 in Chattanooga. (AP)

For weeks, it’s been all about Trump in the GOP. An incredible, unbeatable drama played out with big talk and a big wall and big hair and that big private jet with his name all over it. Who could beat that? Well, suddenly the Democrats have a drama of their own. Hillary Clinton, long seen as the slam dunk Democratic Party nominee, has got question marks. Doubters. And two-fisted Bernie Sanders pounding the podium.  And now Vice President Joe Biden preparing, maybe, to jump into the race. It’s a rumble. This hour On Point: up for grabs. What, who do Democrats want?
-- Tom Ashbrook


Anne Gearan, national political correspondent for the Washington Post. (@agearan)

Laura Meckler, political reporter for The Wall Street Journal. (@laurameckler)

Peter Hart, Democratic Party public opinion expert and founder, Hart Research Associates. (@hartsurveys)

From Tom’s Reading List

Boston Globe: Buzz over potential Biden bid louder after talk with Warren — "The private meeting in Washington between Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a favorite of the Democratic Party’s progressive wing, became the talk of the town over the weekend. Speculation about a Biden presidential bid in 2016, which he is said to be considering, was rife on the Sunday talk show circuit."

POLITICO: Potential Biden run divides Obama orbit — "In interviews, current and former White House staffers say that as Biden has ratcheted up the seriousness of his explorations, including having aides reach out to former top political operatives for President Barack Obama to gauge interest, the situation looks very different from when they’d been assuming she’d be the only real Democratic candidate in 2016. They had convinced themselves that she could be the heir to Obama and the one to protect his legacy, and they were excited about it."

The Wall Street Journal: Joe Biden Is Leaning Toward a 2016 Run — "Vice President Joe Biden, who has long been considering a presidential bid, is increasingly leaning toward entering the race if it is still possible he can knit together a competitive campaign at this late date, people familiar with the matter said."

This program aired on August 25, 2015.


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