
Commentary: Dan Payne's 10 Predictions For 2016

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign stop in Hilton Head Island, S.C., Wednesday. (Stephen B. Morton/AP)
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign stop in Hilton Head Island, S.C., Wednesday. (Stephen B. Morton/AP)

Our Democratic political analyst offers 10 predictions for the year ahead:

1. The Koch Brothers will retain control of Congress and the Republican Party.

2. Charlie Baker will continue to charm State House press by agreeing to every interview and doing goofy things like shaving his head. This year he will add shaving his armpits.

3. China will build a new 3,000-mile wall paid for by Mexicans and announce that it is to keep Donald Trump out.

4. Miss Colombia will not win the Miss Universe title again. Ever.

5. Hillary Clinton will lose every state that uses voter identification.

6. Pope Francis will visit the Plainville slots parlor and clean up; it will close soon thereafter.

7. One of the Kardashians will have surgery and become a python.

8. Donald Trump will leave his wife for Vladimir Putin.

9. Ben Carson will admit that he has performed brain surgery while asleep.

10. Democrats will charge that Ted Cruz’s father was not Cuban, but Al Lewis, the actor who played Grandpa Munster in the TV series:

Actor Al Lewis, in character as Grandpa Munster from "The Munsters" television show, is seen in July 1964. (AP)
Actor Al Lewis, in character as Grandpa Munster from "The Munsters" television show, is seen in July 1964. (AP)

Dan Payne is a Democratic political analyst and a regular contributor to WBUR Politicker

Headshot of Dan Payne

Dan Payne Democratic Political Analyst
Dan Payne is a Democratic political analyst for WBUR.



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