
N.H. Politics With Anthony Brooks: O'Malley, Trump, Sanders File For Candidacy

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Donald Trump fills out his papers to be on the nation's earliest presidential primary ballot.  (Jim Cole/AP)
Donald Trump fills out his papers to be on the nation's earliest presidential primary ballot. (Jim Cole/AP)

Wednesday was the first day that those seeking to get their names on the New Hampshire presidential primary ballot could submit their declaration of candidacy forms.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and current Republican front-runner Donald Trump have already applied, and Sen. Bernie Sanders is filing for candidacy Thursday afternoon.


Anthony Brooks, WBUR's senior political reporter. He tweets @anthonygbrooks.


WBUR: Trump And Carson Still Lead In N.H., But Other Republicans See Gains

  • "The survey of 400 likely GOP primary voters, conducted Thursday through Sunday, puts Trump at the top with 18 percent support. Carson is on his heels at 16 percent — within the poll’s 4.9 percent margin of error."

WBUR: Payne And Domke: Dissecting GOP Candidates' Odds As New N.H. Poll Comes Out

  • "There appears to be some fluidity in the standings of the Republican candidates for president among voters in New Hampshire. The latest WBUR poll of voters in New Hampshire shows Donald Trump remains on top, followed closely by Ben Carson. But support for both of them has dropped slightly in the past month."

This segment aired on November 5, 2015.


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