
MBTA woes, digital privacy, and a big night for the Celtics

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This is the rundown for Radio Boston for June 16. Tiziana Dearing is our host.

  • Following an investigation started this past April, the Federal Transit Administration handed down a report on the safety of the MBTA. It found numerous concerns, from maintenance trains that have been out of service for months, to a staggeringly high percentage of train operators and inspectors overworked and out of certification to do their jobs. We dive into the report.
  • Companies have unprecedented access to all kinds of information about us, including information about very specific locations we visit — for instance, an abortion clinic. The debate over abortion rights could spur a renewed conversation about digital privacy.
  • We speak with the world percussionist and composer George Lernis about his new work, "Between Two Worlds," which tracks his immigration journey from Cyprus to Boston through music. The album blends Mediterranean and Middle Eastern musical traditions with jazz, and seeks to highlight the contributions of immigrants to this country.
  • Game 6. Win or go home. That's the task facing the Celtics as they prepare to defend their home court in Boston tonight.

This program aired on June 16, 2022.


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