Supplemental Privacy Policy for Circle Round

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Circle Round is an audio podcast produced by WBUR, a non-profit public media organization owned and operated by Boston University. Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round podcast adapts folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids and grownups.

The Circle Round Club is a paid membership program that adults can choose to join. There are three membership levels with associated benefits. These are outlined on the Circle Round Club webpage here. In order to provide these club benefits to club members (the paying adult(s) and their children under 13), we will collect or ask for select information.

There are two ways we will collect this information: the donation page where an adult enters identifying information into named fields, and via email communication with adult members soon after they join the club. We do not collect this information directly from children.

Here is more information about what we are collecting, how, and for what purpose:

  • Parent’s or guardian’s name via club payment page on Allegiance with the intent to address club email communications to this individual.
  • Parent’s or guardian’s email address via club payment page on Allegiance with the intent to send club email communications to this email address and will use email to provide written confirmation of a charitable donation.
  • Parent's or guardian’s telephone number via club payment page on Allegiance with the intent to communicate some club benefits via phone and may reach out by phone should a payment method expire.
  • Parent or guardian’s billing and mailing address via club payment page on Allegiance with the intent to process payment and verify payment information (billing address) and mail the welcome box to club members (mailing address).
  • Child/children’s birth month (only collected for level 3 club members) via email when adult joins club with the intent to send a personalized birthday audio message from the host of the podcast to the child in their birthday month
  • Child/children’s shirt size(s) (only collected for Yellow & Orange club members) via email when adult joins club with the intent to include t-shirts(s) in the club welcome box.

Parental consent

The activities and benefits of the Circle Round Club are intended to be provided to children under the age of 13 only with the consent of a parent or guardian.  For example, language at the top of the Circle Round Club donation page states the following: By completing this form I acknowledge that I’m over the age of 13.

We have also included language on our donation page reminding parents that we will use information in select fields in order to send them club benefits including a welcome box and email communications with club news, activities and engagement opportunities. All club communications and mailings will be sent to the household in the name of the adult who holds the membership.

When we send the initial email to parents seeking select information about their children, as noted above, we include language explaining what we are seeking and how it will be used. Parents can elect not to share  this information though choosing not to do so  may hamper the receipt of benefits.

Information storage and deletion

Circle Round Club memberships can be either monthly or annual. When a membership is canceled or expires, we will maintain the above information that we have collected about children under 13 for one year following that cancellation. This will allow us to more easily reinstate a lapsed member. Following that year, we will delete the information from our records.

Questions and contact information

If you have any questions about the information we are collecting via the Circle Round Club, please contact:

WBUR Circle Round Club

890 Commonwealth Ave, 3rd floor

Boston, MA 02215


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